The Members of the European Parliament (MEP) interest group on Patient Access to Healthcare is an informal group of MEPs committed to improve access to health care in Europe. Launched on 27 January 2015, it is the official partner of the Patient Access Partnership (PACT) in the European Parliament, connecting healthcare stakeholders with EU policy developments.
Many patients in Europe have no or limited access to proper and timely diagnosis and treatment. The MEPs Interest Group on Patient Access to Healthcare is committed to playing a major role in providing a platform for discussion and concrete action, in cooperation with patients and the healthcare community. It will also promote synergies and knowledge-sharing regarding disease specific initiatives in the EP relating to access, and other thematic interest groups to ensure maximum effectiveness.
The main objectives of the MEPs interest group on Patient Access to healthcare are:
- To bridge healthcare stakeholders and EU policy-making, i.e. will be the political arm of the PACT - thus providing a forum for debate and action on equal access to healthcare to ensure that this issue features on the EU policy agenda
- To actively work with the European Commission and the Council to identify the possible EU policy measures aimed at improving access (within the currently limited powers that the EU institutions have in the field of healthcare policy) - mapping barriers and gaps in access across the EU28 (PACT′s work stream 1) is one of the actions that the European Commission has the power and the commitment to do, and political support (from the IG) for this exercise is more than necessary
- To work with the Council to make sure that EU policy measures are tailor-made to respect specific national problems and that Member States respond positively to EU-suggested initiatives
- The supporting MEPs will advocate the model of partnership shared by the PACT and the IG, at Member States′ level
- The supporting MEPs will promote in their Member States the opportunities created by the EU for healthcare-related projects at Member States′ level
The Patient Access Partnership (PACT) provides the Secretariat for the Group.