Brussels, 20 June 2018
The Patient Access Partnership, a patient-led multi-stakeholder network for better access to healthcare across the European Union, urges Member States to continue the negotiations in the upcoming Council meeting and during the upcoming Presidencies on the European Commission’s proposal on Health Technology Assessment[1].
Despite the raised concerns in areas which may require further deliberation, there is a need for further discussion on a sustainable framework for HTA cooperation, especially these days when EU citizens demand the EU do more in health, instead of less.
We therefore encourage Member States to build on the achievements in this area towards an effective, sustainable and appropriate European-level framework focusing on joint clinical assessments and joint scientific consultations. It is legitimate to expect that what Member States do together is used and not duplicated. In the field of pharmaceuticals, such a framework has the potential to address the weaknesses of the current fragmented situation, optimise the use of resources, avoid duplication of efforts and improve the lives of patients through innovation.
We also call upon the Council to acknowledge the different patient pathways for pharmaceuticals and medical technologies and consequently advance European cooperation on HTA for pharmaceuticals, whilst reflecting on a more tailored approach towards assessing medical technologies, which requires applying the correct structure, tools and methodologies.
To achieve this goal, all relevant stakeholders (including patients, providers, insurers, decision-makers and the industry) must be involved in the process as partners in the negotiation process to ensure that any achievements in this area truly demonstrate the tremendous added value of pan-European cooperation in the field of health.
[1] REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on health technology assessment and amending Directive 2011/24/EU, 31 January 2018, LINK