The MEP Interest Group on Access will host an event on the results of the pilot project ‘Towards a fairer and more effective measurement of access to healthcare across the EU’, carried-out on behalf of the European Commission (DG SANTE). The project aims to identify effective ways of measuring access to healthcare whilst developing a conceptual framework and a list of indicators to measure access in the EU.
The pilot project is a result of the proposal put forward in 2016 by the MEP Interest Group on Access following a close cooperation with the Patient Access Partnership (PACT) in the context of the need for comparable and timely information on access in the EU.
The meeting will provide a platform for presenting the results to health stakeholders as well as discussing with them the challenges and opportunities for implementation.
Among the invited speakers for the event are representatives from Eurostat, OECD, Eurofound, DG SANTE and DG EMPL.
To register for the event, please click here.