Access to healthcare remains unequal in Europe. By creating a structured partnership approach with a broad range of national and European actors ranging from patient groups, healthcare management and delivery, medical and health technology, national and European institutions, individual experts in healthcare and others, PACT will identify key hurdles in access to healthcare for patients in a holistic way. While the approach is to look at healthcare systems as a whole, the activities of the Partnership will be guided by a patient-focus, from the assessment of gaps in access to quality healthcare among Member States, to the collaboration with relevant EU-led or national initiatives and the development of solutions.

The objectives of the Patient Access Partnership are:

  • To facilitate the dialogue between European and national health stakeholders according to the mission;
  • To identify key hurdles in access to healthcare for patients in a holistic way;
  • To assess gaps in access to quality healthcare within EU member states;
  • To collaborate with relevant EU-led or national initiatives;
  • To develop innovative and sustainable solutions.