The funding priciples of the Patient Access Partnership were agreed by the Partners at the Partnership Assembly in December 2014 as follows:
General/operational funding: In addition to EU funding, additional funding of the partnership will be provided through foundations, other public funds, and associations (such as other NGOs, professional and industry associations), in accordance with respective codes of conduct. There will therefore be no general funding from individual pharmaceutical or other companies.
Projects funding: Concrete projects will be developed in cooperation with interested partners on topics of common interest and according to the priorities and the work streams of the Patient Access Partnership. The projects will be funded through the general and Institutional funding mechanisms and rules and through co-funding by the project partners, in accordance with respective codes of conduct.
2019 funding status: Currently, the core funding of PACT comes in the form of unrestricted annual grants from the Umbrella Industry Partners namely COCIR, EFPIA, EUCOPE, Medicines for Europe and MedTech Europe. Additional projects, such as country-specific roundtables, conferences and events at the European Parliament are funded in cooperation with any of our partners. Partner organisations are able to co-fundraise on behalf of PACT, in compliance with PACTs statutes and as agreed at the annual Partners Assembly. Additionally, PACT receives invaluable support from its founding partners (National Patients’ Organisation Bulgaria and the European Patients’ Forum), MEPs, members of European and national institutions, politicians, and multiple partners in the form of human resources, in-kind contributions and other immeasurable assistance.
Further information can be found here.